Pakistan court had sentenced shooters of Malala for 25 years
A Pakistani court has sentenced 10 men for life for shooting Malala Yusafzai,education activist who campaigned against Taliban, denying girls education.
The 10 Pakistani attackers were involved in the attack on Malala,in 2012 were sentensed to life imprisonment according to public prosecutor.
According to Pakistani newspaper Dawn , ten men have been sentenced to life imprisonment. Bilal, Shaukat, Salman, Zafar Iqbal, Israrullah, Zafar Ali, Irfan, Izhar, Adnan and Ikram all belonged to the Malakand division and have been arrested during joint operations involving the army’s Swat-based formation, ISI, Military Intelligence and police, said Dawn .
The Pakistani Army said in September 2015 that they have arrested those 10 men who were involved in the attack.
Officials said the 10 men, who do not include the
man named as chief suspect.
Each attacker is sented to 25 years of imprisonment.
Malala who was 15 at that time,was shot in the head when she returned home from her school in Swat Valley, in 2012.
The whole world was shocked by that incident.
Malala was also awarded Nobel Prize last year for campaigning for children rights.
After the attack,Malala was seriously injured after the head shot.The Pakistani doctors removed the bullet that was enter into the head.Later she was taken to Britain and treated at the Barmingham hospital.
“This award is for all those children who are
voiceless, whose voices need to be heard,” she said when she conferred the Nobal Peace Prize award.
Malala has become a symbol of
defiance in a campaign against the militants operating in ethnic Pashtun areas of north-west Pakistan

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