Reduce menace of tobacco consumption says Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that World No Tobacco day is the day to reform our commitment to reduce the menace of tobacco consumption.
"Worlds No Tobacco day reminds us about the harms caused due to the consumption of tobacco and a day to refine our commitment to reduce this menace" he said in a tweet today on the eve of "World No Tobacco Day."
He furthur added that the WHO ie. World Health Organization " focuses on the stopping of this illicit trade of tobacco products is a praising effort that will help in minimising the consumption of the tobacco. "
May 31 is observed as the World No Tobacco Day.
Tobacco caused the lives of over five million people which is likely to increase to 8.4 millions if this situation is not brought under control, according to the WHO.
According to the experts,the total expenditure cost on tobacco related diseases in India have tremendously increased and in 2014 it was more than 16,000 crores and also deaths due to these diseases because of the tobacco use is around eight-nine lakhs per year.
Also the number of mouth cancer in India more than doubled between 1990 and 2013 and it was highest in the world, according to the report of Global Burden of Cancer 2013.

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